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Lash Extension Appointment: Preparation 101 For Lash Stylists & Clients

Lash extensions are the ultimate eye accessory but are you ready for the prep work for your first eyelash extension appointment? Whether you’re a lash stylist or a client, we’ve got you covered. In this guide, we’ll reveal the tricks of the trade to make your appointment a breeze.


Sanitize Your Workspace

  • Clean Tools: A clean tool is a happy tool. Sanitize all your instruments, especially tweezers and brushes.
  • Clean Environment: Disinfect all surfaces, including the lash bed, to create a safe environment for your client.

Check Your Inventory

  • Lash Supplies: Make sure you have an ample supply of lashes in different lengths, thicknesses, and curls.
  • Adhesive Check: Ensure your adhesive or lash glue is in good condition.

Prepare Client Information

  • Client History: Review your client’s history, looking out for allergies or sensitivities.
  • Consultation Form: For new clients, have a consultation form ready to gather information about their health, lifestyle, and desired lash look.

Set a Comfortable Environment

  • Room Temperature: Ensure the room is at a comfortable temperature.
  • Soothing Ambiance: Play some calming tunes to make your client feel at ease.
  • Take pictures: Natural lashes beforehand.

Be Ready to Educate

  • Answer Client Questions: Be prepared to address any questions your client may have about lash extensions. Lash artists, this is a top priority.
  • Aftercare Instructions: Have a detailed aftercare instruction sheet ready to give to your client after the appointment. Let them know about eyelash extension retention issues. Also, waterproof mascara is a big no no.



Clean Your Lashes

  • Eye Makeup Removal: Arrive at your appointment with clean lashes. Remove any mascara or eye makeup using an oil-free makeup remover. Remind clients to not wear eye makeup to their lash extension appointment.

Avoid Caffeine

  • Caffeine-Free: Avoid consuming caffeine before your appointment as it can make your eyes twitch, making the application process more challenging.

Dress Comfortably

  • Comfort is Key: Wear something comfortable as you will be lying down for a while.

Communicate Your Desired Look

  • Picture Perfect: Bring some images with you to show your lash stylist the style you’re interested in eyelash extensions.
  • Share Your Expectations: Be transparent about your expectations and voice any concerns you may have.

Prepare for Aftercare

  • Understand Aftercare: Make sure you understand the post-treatment care instructions before leaving the salon.
  • Purchase Aftercare Products: Buy any recommended aftercare products.

By following these easy steps, lash artists and clients can both play their part to ensure a successful lash extension appointment, resulting in beautiful, long-lasting lashes. Remember, communication is the key to achieving your desired lash look. Don’t forget about common lash extension issues.

Don’t be afraid to ask your stylist any questions at your lash extension appointment to make sure you’re both on the same page.